Offering collective and participative experiences to real-world and online communities is at the heart of the Future Media Internet (FMI) and forms an essential part of entertainment, collaborative working, education, product and service innovation and advertising.

Communities include hundreds of professionals, tens of thousands at live public events, and millions online. Understanding the complexity and dynamics of such communities and ecosystems is essential for FMI research.

HCI & UX Network & Service Management Digital Innovation Platforms

Project Outcomes

EXPERIMEDIA developed and operated a unique facility that offered researchers what they needed for large-scale FMI experiments. Experiments were conducted at testbeds offering live events and real-world communities to accelerate the adoption of the FMI. The testbeds included Schladming Ski Resort, Multi-Sport High Performance Centre of Catalonia, Foundation for the Hellenic World and 3D Innovation Living Lab. Experiments explored new forms of social interaction and rich media experiences incorporating both online and real-world interaction.

Testbed technologies included user-generated and high-quality content management and delivery, a 3D Internet platform and tools for 3D reconstruction from live events, augmented reality platform, tools for integration of social networks, access technologies and a range of network connectivity options. Testbed management services provisioned, controlled and monitored resources by SLAs offering QoS guarantees. A Competence Centre promoted sustainable access to venues for FMI experiments and engagement with the wider community.

  • Smart Venues
    Shared, real-time, immersive and interactive experiences at world leading venues
  • Experiments
    Investigations into new forms of experience in real world and online communities
  • Software and Service Platform
    Media software and services instrumented and integrated with smart venues

Project Fact Sheet

The EXPERIMEDIA project was a 35 month project funded by the EC FP7 framework programme.

Coordinator: IT Innovation Centre, UK
Publication: https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/374078/1/374078.pdf
Twitter: @ictexperimedia
More information: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/101476_en.html

European emblem EXPERIMEDIA has received EC research funding.